Product Description

The Large CSD400 16inch Ocean Gold Dredger has a powerful engine that can generate up to 2240 kilowatts of power (or 3000 horsepower) to drive the dredging pump, the propulsion system, and the auxiliary equipment.

Product Detail

If you're looking for a lucrative way to extract gold from the ocean floor, you might be interested in the Large CSD400 16-Inch Ocean Gold Dredger. But what makes the Large CSD400 16inch Ocean Gold Dredger stand out from other dredging vessels?  Let's take a closer look.

Firstly, the Large CSD400 16inch Ocean Gold Dredger has a powerful engine that can generate up to 2240 kilowatts of power (or 3000 horsepower) to drive the dredging pump, the propulsion system, and the auxiliary equipment.  This enables the dredger to operate efficiently in harsh conditions, such as strong currents, high waves, or deep waters up to 25 meters (or 82 feet) deep.

Secondly, the Large CSD400 16-Inch Ocean Gold Dredger has a capacity of up to 4000 cubic meters of slurry per hour, which translates into a potential production rate of up to 1200 tons of dried minerals per day, depending on the grade of the ores and the recovery rate of the system.  This means that the dredger can cover a large area of seabed in a relatively short time and extract a significant amount of gold, as well as other valuable minerals such as tin, tungsten, or diamonds.

Thirdly, the Large CSD400 16-Inch Ocean Gold Dredger has a stable and safe platform for the crew and the equipment, thanks to its design and construction that incorporate the latest standards and technologies.  The dredger has a length of 57 meters (or 187 feet), a beam of 12 meters (or 39 feet), and a draft of 3.4 meters (or 11 feet), which provide ample space for the accommodation, the mess, the storage, and the workshops needed for the dredging operation.  

Fourthly, the Large CSD400 16-Inch Ocean Gold Dredger has a low environmental impact when compared to other mining methods, such as cyanide leaching, open-pit mining, or hydraulic dredging.  The dredger uses a closed-loop system that recirculates the water and the solids within the dredging circuit, minimizing the discharge of sediments and pollutants into the ocean.

In conclusion, the Large CSD400 16-Inch Ocean Gold Dredger is a reliable, efficient, safe, and sustainable solution for ocean mining that can offer a high return on investment for the investors and the operators.  If you want to explore the potential of this promising technology, you can contact the manufacturer or the distributor of the dredger and inquire about the specifications, the costs, the delivery time, and the after-sales support.

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